Traditions & Culture

Patch Trading
Ontario Tech’s engineering students are proudly linked with fellow engineers across the province and all over Canada! We’re all about celebrating traditions that bring us together, and one of the most iconic is the engineering coveralls—better known as “Covies.” Every engineering school has its own signature color, and Ontario Tech stands out with bold blue!
This tradition comes to life through Canada’s patch culture. Every engineering student society has their own unique patches, and at events like conferences or meetups, students trade patches with each other to sew onto their coveralls. It’s said that the more patches you’ve got, the more connected you are to the engineering community!
Patch trading does not just let engineering students be part of a nationwide community—it’s also a great way to network and build connections with students from all over the province and across the country!
Beyond patch trading and national traditions, Ontario Tech Engineers get involved in a wide range of events each year, creating our own traditions. Want to know more? Reach out to our VP Social!
Check out the Patch Collection!